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Breast Augmentation

In Portland

Have you been on the lookout for a plastic surgeon near me? Are you ready for the best breast augmentation Portland makeover? You have found the place. Get in touch with us today!


Breast Augmentation Portland

We are happy you are here at Breast Augmentation Portland looking at the various ways you can improve your breasts. There are many ways and we offer them all.

We have both male and female breast reduction surgery to relieve discomfort. We have reconstruction surgery for those ready to heal from breast cancer. We offer breast lifts and breast enlargement surgery.


About Breast Augmentation Portland

We have wonderful breast augmentation surgeons. They work their artistic magic during Portland Breast Augmentation. This may involve a boob lift or it may be only breast enlargement.

We are always sure to keep your information confidential. Although breast procedures may be very sensitive and vulnerable for you we do a wonderful job at making you feel comfortable.

We create an environment where you can be open and ask all questions you may have. We answer them in a clear way and to the point.

We are efficient in our work. We make sure to get the job done the best way the first time. We do not want you getting cheap breast implants near me but rather a quality breast augmentation near me.

We are the best for breast reconstruction Portland because we are very mindful of you. We are aware that you have already gone through so much with your breasts. We do our best to make this as quick and simple of a process as we can for you.

Book A Free Consultation!


Why Choose Us?

Have you been looking for breast enlargement near me? You will be happy to hear that we have been making a difference in the lives of men and women in our community for years.

Call us today and we will make a difference in your life as well. Do you have different sizes of breasts and are wanting to even them out? Have you have had kids and now find that your breasts are not at all what they once were?

There are many factors to consider when choosing breast implants. Some of these factors that you will need to be aware to choose between are:

  • Choosing where the breast implant incision is
  • Choosing the type of implant you get
  • Choosing the textured or smooth implant
  • Choosing the projection of the implant (where it sits on your chest)
  • Choosing the size of the implants

When deciding on where you want the incision you will have three options. These are through the armpit, under the breast crease, or around the areola.

It is important to let your surgeon know if you are planning to breastfeed in the future. We will make your implant great for you both now and in your future.


What To Expect?

We will go over with you what the process of breast implants Portland entails. We will also go over with you what the breast implants Portland OR recovery entails. It is important for us to know your concerns and what you would like to see.

We will not only look at your current appearance but we will also get the background of your lifestyle. If you are very active or not active at all it will make a difference to your implant type and placement.

We will place your breast augmentation either over the pectoral muscles or underneath. There are advantages and disadvantages to both of these options.

Your surgeon will go over these options with you to help you make the best choice for your implant. They will also suggest to you what they think will be best for you and your lifestyle.

With any boob job you are getting you will get to see the before and after imaging that we simulate. This will help you to visualize what your breasts will look like with the new size you are wanting.

We make sure to go over your breast reduction surgery cost or your breast implants cost. Each boob job cost is different. We will include every single part of the procedure in the cost so you do not have any surprise costs come up.


Our Services

We offer a service for both men and women. This is in breast reductions for men and women. If you have worries about what the breast implants Portland cost then you can look at the option we have of breast lift Portland. If you have got a mastectomy or lumpectomy we have breast reconstructions for you.

Breast Implants

You have the option of silicone or saline breast implants. We fill both of the implants in a silicone shell. We fill them to the size and shape that you will have chosen during your consultation. If you like a natural breast look then you will like the teardrop shaped breast implant. If you like a more round breast with more cleavage then you will like the round breast implant.

Breast Lift

A breast lift does not add volume to your breasts. It reverses the effects that gravity has had on them. We will take what is there and lift them, removing any excess and unneeded skin. It is common for women to do both a breast lift and an augmentation. If that looks like it will be a good option for you your surgeon will be sure to give you that option.

Gummy Bear Implants

Gummy bear implants are much like the silicone implants. One main key difference is the fact that the gel is very cohesive. It does not leak or break apart. It stays firm in place even if the implant shell tears or ruptures. The gummy bear implant forms the most natural teardrop breast shape.

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

If you have excess fat on another area of your body that you would not mind having removed, you will love this option. We will remove that fat and transfer it to create an implant of your wanting. We will shape and place it to contour your current body shape. It takes around 2 and a half pounds of fat to do this option. If you are a very thin lady this will not be the best option for you.

Lambdoid Craniosynostosis

No matter the shape of your baby’s head, we are here to help. We are ready to correct any skull asymmetry caused by lambdoid craniosynostosis and restore a more natural head shape. Our expert team will carefully reshape the skull to allow for normal growth and development. Your baby will be free from potential complications and ready to thrive!

Breast reconstruction

Are you a breast cancer survivor looking to get new breasts implanted? You have the option of breast implants or tissue transfer. Either on will first need a tissue expander placed. We will then have the ability to place the implant. It will take a few breast reconstruction surgery procedures to get it finished.

Male Breast Reduction

If you are finding that you have been self conscious of or you have been struggling with excess fat on your chest you may be struggling with gynecomastia. This is when you have more hormones than typical. This causes an increase in the fat tissue you gain. We have male breast reduction surgery Portland to remove this fat and extra skin if you have that. The scarring is very minimal as it hides next to the areola. It will also fade overtime. You will find that you have a nice confidence boost after this surgery.

Other Services

  • Breast asymmetry
  • Tuberous breast correction
  • Inverted nipple correction
  • Implant size advice
  • Many more other services

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect after I get a breast augmentation Portland OR?

You should expect a recovery of about six weeks. The first week or two you will be on pain medication and will want to lay low. After that we will say you can resume day to day activities. You will want to wait about six weeks before doing any strenuous activity. You will also need to wait before lifting heavy objects including children. If you have young children that need a lot of caring, you will want to make sure you have a lot of help.

Is this a major surgery?

Yes. It is a cosmetic optional procedure but still is a major surgery. We will put you under anesthesia and the recovery can be lengthy.

Will my breasts look the way they will immediately after my breast lift Portland surgery?

Not quite. Your breasts will have some swelling and may have bruising as well. It will take a few weeks for your muscles to settle down. It will also take a few weeks for the swelling to go down. Once the swelling, bruising and the muscle relax then you will see the final results of your breast lift at Breast Augmentation Portland.

Do I need special clothing after my Portland breast augmentation?

We will send you home in a dressing that will hold the breasts snug. After the first few days we will remove your dressing. We recommend that after we remove your dressing that you wear a sports bra. This will help the swelling to go down more quick.

Customer Testimonials

What Our Clients Say


The price of my male breast reduction was very worth it. My whole life I thought my man boobs were very embarrassing. For the first time I have felt confident without a shirt on.

Tyler M.


The surgeon took great care of me along with the rest of the staff. They make you feel like a great friend of theirs. Thank you for being so welcoming!

Melony J.


I have had my breast implants for three years and they are the best things I ever did. They have the best shape and I love the way that my clothing and bathing suits fit and look!

Clarissa R.

Service Area

About Portland Oregon

Think of the most luscious green place with a beautiful river flowing through the middle of the city. This is Portland. You get both warm, dry summers along with the wet and cold winters.

The temperatures here make it the perfect place to grow roses. It has many wonderful green trees creating air that is fresh and crisp.

You have great shopping, fun zoos and museums, and fun outdoor activities. No matter your activity level we have everything for you. The population in Portland is near 655,000.

Our closest cities near us are:

  • Gresham, OR
  • Lake Oswego, OR
  • Happy Valley, OR
  • Clackamas, OR
  • Troutdale, OR
  • Gladstone, OR
  • Damascus, OR
  • Fairview, OR
  • Boring, OR
  • And many other surrounding areas!

Contact Us Today

We find so much joy in being a part of the recovery for those who have survived breast cancer. We provide to them breast reconstruction surgery following their mastectomy.

For those that are suffering due to the weight or embarrassment of breasts that are very large we offer to you the option of a breast reduction. If you are wanting bigger boobs we have breast implants.

We answer all your questions starting at how much are boob jobs to what is recovery like? Breast Augmentation Portland will take care of you. Call us today to schedule a consultation with us.

By appointment only

from 8.00 AM to 5.00 PM

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